Our Story
Our Manifesto

Singleton Construction was founded on deep care for clients and employees. That care drove high-quality work, inspiring our founders to do whatever it took to get the job done right. Care turned employees into family, building deep bonds. Care turned customers into partners and projects into long-term relationships. This, in turn, drove the exponential growth we’ve achieved and remains at the heart of who we are.
The same purpose that motivated our founders drives us today. We exist to live an extraordinary example of care in all we do. This inspires the way we serve our clients, partners, and team. We care more … more about exceeding client expectations, creating great experiences for their customers, and ensuring that our partners – and our team – grow. Each action we take reflects this purpose. Every decision is based on it.
Living extraordinary care means improving every experience, every day for the people we work with. Our core values serve as our guide.
We build trust with honesty, transparency, and open communication. We create partnerships. We’re accountable and honor our commitments. Our word is our bond. We value people. Protecting, cultivating, and seeing the best in all. Every project or interaction creates opportunity and understanding. We deliver excellence in every experience always providing solutions, not problems, and setting the highest expectations as the only measure for success.
But there is always an opportunity to be better, do better. We strive for more. It’s the Singleton Way.
Each moment in this life gives us the freedom to choose the world we want to see. Every action, every decision – big or small – has a positive impact, or a negative one. Care inspires care. Compassion creates compassion. Meaning attracts meaning. At Singleton, we are committed to improving every experience, every day, so we can live the extraordinary example of care we want to see in the world. By living it, we create it for ourselves and inspire others to follow.

When we achieve this, we do more than build great spaces,
we create a brighter world.