
Why Partner With Us:

Items Needed to Complete Your Singleton Construction Subcontractor Pre-Qualification

  1. A copy of your certificate of Insurance with Endorsements
    (Sample Provided)
  1. A copy of your W9 (Sample Provided)
  1. If you have any registered designations (MBE, DHBE, WEB, etc.), you will need a copy of your certificate.
A group of people standing next to boxes in a construction area.


Singleton cares about the unique strengths that every individual can bring to our clients. From how we work with our subcontractors to how we develop opportunities within our team – we are focused, and committed to, creating equitable and inclusive opportunities for all. We accomplish this through the utilization of diverse suppliers. By doing so, our clients are provided with more solutions for their needs, and the process fuels economic growth by building up the communities in which we work.